Fallout new vegas how to make money
Fallout new vegas how to make money

fallout new vegas how to make money

I loved Dead Money and I can understand now why so many people consider it their favorite New Vegas's DLC but in the end it can potentially break the fun of the game because you have a nearly unlimited source of supplies and you can make lots and lots of caps. You can sell those weapons or healing items and become SO FILTHY RICH even Mr House will envy you…provided he can feel anymore. It means you can buy massive amounts of healing items like Rad-X, Rad-Away, Med-X and craft things like Auto Inject Stimpaks/Superstimpaks or give those items to the Followers and become idolized in a minute. Which means you can buy massive amounts of Weapon Repair Kits and fix every cool weapon you find around: plasma and laser rifles, all those guns on Vault 34, the guns you take from fallen foes. If you explored a little bit you should have a lot of chips and most item's holotapes. Once the DLC is over you get a sweet bunker to live in, which comes with…a vending machine. How can you turn New Vegas into a boring game then? It means more and more chips you can craft with a decent Repair skill (is it Repair? I honestly can't remember now) before leaving the Sierra Madre or back at the Mojave. If you are nice to Christine, an NPC from the DLC, she will teach you how to make chips using common stuff like scrap metal and fission batteries.

fallout new vegas how to make money fallout new vegas how to make money

So there I was, carrying near 10k of chips. I had to drop everything I didn't need in a trash can near the exit of the Villa. You can buy food too, remember, Dead Money is some sort of survival horror DLC where resources are supposed to be scarce, however…By the time I was ready to go into the Casino I was carrying way too much food and drinks, also lots of ammo. I barely bought anything from vending machines, maybe 10 superstimpaks and 10 stimpaks. My Luck was 8 so I hit the gambling games once power was restored and made another shit ton of chips. By the time I got into the casino I had near 5000 chips. To sum up, doing an appropriate legwork around the Villa you'll find lots of chips and items you can exchange for chips. You can also exchange cartoons and packs of cigarettes for chips in order to buy items and (with little lucky) you will find a code to exchange clothing items for chips. In order to buy more items from the machine you must find its respective holotapes, for example a holotape for ammo, a holotape por rad-x and rad-aways, a holotape for weapon repair kits…you get it.

fallout new vegas how to make money

There are vending machines scattered around the Villa, where you can buy items using chips which are also all over the place. So, for those who haven't play this DLC yet, here I go. However this DLC can potentially turn the rest of the game boring because of the rewards you get in the end. The more I play it, the more I like it and the less scary results to be. After reading lots of posts about Dead Money I decided to play it again for the 4th time and I had a lot of fun and a great time.

Fallout new vegas how to make money